Grief and Healing

Losing a pet is a difficult experience that everyone will feel in their own way. However, there are some classic poems and some books that we feel can help you through this. These allow you to reflect on the love you had for your pet, helps you focus on the positive ways they influenced your life and also supports you as you let go of a really big part of who you are.
We hope you appreciate these. You can just read the poetry, or if it touches you, you are able to click the link to download and print a copy for yourself to keep. We would love to hear from you if there is something you would like to see offered or available on our website. Please email us if you would like to share a suggestion.
Bereavement Books
Below we have included some recommended reading for both adults and children to help you move through the loss of your pet. Please just click on the book to find it on Amazon. We would love your recommendations for books to offer through our website. If something has been helpful to you, please let us know.